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WA has enforced its toughest border yet with NSW, classifying the State an "extreme risk" |ABC News
NSW Deputy Premier brands WA's hard border as 'pointless' following COVID-19 case | ABC News
WA's border with NSW is now at high risk the toughest restrictions in the nation | 9News Perth
WA could open border to most states right now, state's Chief Health Officer tells hearing | ABC News
WA Closes Border To NSW | 10 News First
WA closes border as Victoria deemed 'extreme risk'
WA closes border to NSW as Covid cases mount. | ABC News
WA Premier warns NSW border restrictions will continue if COVID outbreak isn't controlled | ABC News
There’s no change in WA’s border policy ‘just spin’
IN FULL: WA will reclassify New South Wales a COVID-19 extreme risk state from Thursday | ABC News
WA Premier announces new border regime with NSW
WA reinstates hard border with New South Wales